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Spirit > mind > body HEALING

The power of divine Love…
engaging your consciousness can shift regenerate improve heal

  • a physical disease or diagnosis
  • an emotional illness or suffering
  • an injury
  • financial disaster
  • a business or workplace issue
  • a broken relationship
  • career dead-end or stoppage
Miles Harbur

the healing method I practice…

… is explained in Mary Baker Eddy’s Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures, where you’ll find accessible, practical healing ideas you can use NOW and full explanation of a spiritually scientific healing method.

You can read it (click and select/tap the “Contents” tab, or just start scrolling down the page) or listen to it right now online.

You can buy it at or at Amazon, iBooks or Nook. And you can learn more about the life and work of this amazing woman at the Mary Baker Library for the Betterment of Humanity.

Let me know when i can help:  


Call or text… (561) 379-4511

office hours 10am – 5pm Mon – Fri (Eastern time)

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    We Can Truly Love and Make Things Better…

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