Total catastrophe! Every possession lost.
After 25 successful years in business, our life savings, the equity in our house and our three teenage sons’ college fund…gone. Even more hurtful, it was a theft– stolen through a fraudulent investment perpetrated by someone who we thought was a devoted, spiritually-minded friend!
That was six years ago, and, miraculously, our family wasn’t destroyed– although we’ve been through some tough (really tough) times since then. And we’re still recovering.
But working our way emotionally & spiritually through these circumstances, our family has become closer, more authentic, and learned to embrace Spirit’s possibilities for healing and restoration.
In recovering, we’ve become more aware of how much we can help ourselves and others to address life with more positive, appreciative energy. And each of us has embarked on a new career that might never have been discovered if tragic circumstances hadn’t sharply forced us to look at our lives and life-purposes differently.
One idea that really helped me get through all this was that it was not a waste of time, that we were all learning emotional and spiritual skills that would turn out to be incredibly valuable. I’m starting to get glimpses that this really is the case. It’s like what Mary Baker Eddy wrote in her best-selling book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,
“Sorrow has its reward. It never leaves us where it found us…. Each successive stage of experience unfolds new views of divine goodness and love.”
(click & look for lines 30 & 14 to see these passage in context)
The very same capacity to experience restoration, renewal and spiritual growth out of tragedy is here for YOU TODAY. This book is loaded with practical ideas for emotional restoration & renewal. Call or email me if I can help…