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There’s ALWAYS a Next Step

You’ve prayed, meditated, listened and walked-your-talk. But the problem you’re trying to solve seems as big as ever. What can you do?

There’s always a next step. Always, always, always…because Spirit is infinite. She isn’t facing the limits you’re feeling. She’s already completely outside of and beyond your current problem. And She’s unfolding her infinity of ideas, capacities, inspiration, creativity and nonlinear guidance to you right at this moment. These infinite resources appear to you as your next step… your next thought… or your next spiritual practice for progress, resolution and healing.

Acknowledge Spirit’s unlimited being, knowing and feeling. Recognize how small, finite, blind and self-absorbed the problem-laden human mind is. Yield this sense of limited mind to unlimited, infinite Spirit– its love, power, fullness, joy and progress. Get to know the mental, spiritual place where Spirit is already seeing and relating to you feeling Her freedom.

In her book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy explains the need for the human mind to yield to the infinite’s inevitable progress:

“…erring, finite, human mind has an absolute need of something beyond itself for its redemption and healing.” (click here to read in context)

If you’d like support in feeling and practicing more of your innate infinite being, beyond the limits of the human mind, just give me a call or email. I’d love to help!
