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Activism and Spiritual Practices

Yep…the world has a lot of craziness in it! Environmental destruction, terrorism, religious strife, third world genocide, nature’s extremes made disasters by poverty. The only way to feel truly at peace about the threats we face as a species is to make a personal commitment to become part of a solution process– to be activists in our own lives.

And remember to include spiritual practices in your activism…because they have the power to transform emotions, impulses & beliefs that create and perpetuate mankind’s destructive behavior and suffering.

For example, I’ve felt very impelled the past few months to participate in reducing religious conflict and violence. As a part of my activism, I’m engaging in a spiritual practice that I believe is helping in some way to calm sectarian terrorism. Several times every day for a few minutes, I embrace and meditate upon a specific, evolving vision of healing.

In my vision I mentally pour a salve of reassurance and love into the hurts that turn desperate, humiliated, hurting people into terrorists. I embrace them in a universal community of care-ers, whose Mind is divine Love. I see this community surrounding them with a firm grasp that restrains violence. I encourage them, “It’s going to be OK…we’re going to get through this together. We’re no longer tolerating anyone being humiliated or excluded or pre-empted. We understand and honor your value and possibilities as a child of God.”

Mary Baker Eddy’s ideas in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures help inspire the vision underlying my activism:

“Immortals, or God’s children in divine Science, are one harmonious family;….” (click here to read in context)

“With one Father, even God, the whole family of man would be brethren; and with one Mind and that God, or good, the brotherhood of man would consist of Love and Truth, and have unity of Principle and spiritual power….” (click here to read in context)

You can do something today to further develop your activism & supporting spiritual practices to ease humanity’s suffering….
