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The Power of Your Thoughts

When it comes to doing good things with your life, and to keeping or restoring your health, remember that it is your thoughts—including attitudes, expectations, self-concepts, qualities of character, feelings, emotions—that ultimately determine your outcomes. What an incredible power!

Each of us is learning more about this power and how to use it to benefit ourselves and others. The good news is that infinite Spirit is giving you authority over the thoughts in your mind, and is continuously supplying your consciousness with empowering spiritual qualities and capacities. Whenever you act to express these more vividly in the details of daily life, they move you toward substantial accomplishments and progress vs. stasis, health and well-being vs. sickness or disability, and authentic relationships vs. loneliness or dysfunction.

So to intentionally practice a spiritual quality during the day, is to individualize Spirit’s power of goodness and health.

Here’s an example. Unselfed love is a spiritual quality. It is attractive to others. It is valuable. It is willing and energetic about being of service. It is patient enough to listen and learn. You can see how creatively weaving unselfed love-thoughts and behaviors into your day could alter and improve outcomes, and bring greater peace and healing to physical and emotional illness.

In Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy explains how this spiritual practice works:

“Whatever holds human thought in line with unselfed love, receives directly the divine power.” (click here to read this in the book)

Let me know if I can help….

(561) 626-9043

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2 thoughts on “The Power of Your Thoughts”

  1. I just read several of the great articles from your blog. One took me to ‘inspiration house’ an article about letting go by Carol.
    I can’t seem to find that again.
    any ideas on how to do that?
    Love and peace, Lynne Pope in Redondo Beach California.
    I just read Christian Healer…and loved it so much. You are today just that!

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