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Redefine Your Mind

You already know that happiness, stress relief AND physical wellness result from changes in your mind. But how do you get free from the mind’s sick, repetitive, depressing or stressed patterns of thought and reaction?

One way is to redefine what you think of as your mind. Our “mind” is whatever we believe to be the source of our thoughts, feelings and responses. We’re prisoners of whatever we believe our “mind” to be. That is, our thoughts can rise no higher than what we believe our mind to be capable of.

So if you start to relate more fully to infinite Spirit as Mind—as living source of healthy, balanced, loving thought and feeling—it becomes possible to get progressively above and beyond the little mortal kind of mind that’s been hurting you.

Practice this today. Right now, take couple of minutes to acknowledge and embrace infinite Spirit as Mind. Consciously connect yourself to this healthy, knowing, joyful, intelligent source. Engage this Mind’s transformative capability to see the good in you and everyone else.

In Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy describes this Mind’s nature and your relationship with it as the “divine Science.” She writes

“The effect of this Science is to stir the human mind to a change of base, on which it may yield to the harmony of the divine Mind.” (click here to read this in the book)

Call or email me if you’d like help doing this….

(561) 626-9043
click to email me

2 thoughts on “Redefine Your Mind”

  1. Miles,

    I am not sure why you were addressing stress this week – but that is something that has been on mind as well as I have been talking to friends/strangers, etc. As always, your thoughts are very helpful!


  2. Dear Miles. Thanks very much for the up to date Blog.believe it or not my friend from Ma. just sent me one along with a stack of the sentential magazine. I am the Catholic guy from Port St Lucie.if you remember and I listen to Christian moniter radio at 9am Sunday 1590 wpsl.thanks again ,Mike

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