The markets—stock, housing or employment—go up and down, and each of us sometimes feels vulnerable about, or actually hurt by these economic cycles.
Here’s an idea that can give you more peace about market conditions and your own situation. It can also bring you more successful, constructive financial outcomes.
Your real assets and income—what makes you valuable, employable, able to earn income and to be of service to others—has to do with inner resources: your intentions, character, capabilities, energies and connectedness to others. Your real value isn’t limited to, or even defined by, the dollar value of your house, bank account, stocks or current employment.
In other words, your value is about inner resources that you use and offer in the service of others. Money and other physical assets are a manifestation of these resources, but are not the actual resource. It’s your inner resources that produce greater peace and financial sufficiency.
And here’s the great news! The Source behind these inner resources is the divine Mind. His (/Her) supply of His own spiritual qualities and capacities is infinite and ever-present. So, this divine Mind is the means by which you can expand your inner resources–and increase your financial wellness–today.
Right now, practice mentally turning to and communing with divine Mind as your source of increased capacity and creativity. Recognize that this ultimate source of your specific value is never lost–never even lessened. She’s always there to give you more of the spiritual qualities and capabilities you need for better employment, spending patterns, investment ideas and financial wellness. Qualities like creativity, insight, authenticity, attracting love and systematicity.
Then, act upon your expanding sense of these ideas & capacities.
Mary Baker Eddy explains in detail how this spiritual practice works in her book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. She writes that people who practice her discovered ideas, called “Christian Science”, find that this practice…
… enhances their endurance and mental powers, enlarges their perception of character, gives them acuteness and comprehensiveness and an ability to exceed their ordinary capacity. The human mind, imbued with this spiritual understanding, becomes more elastic, is capable of greater endurance, escapes somewhat from itself, and requires less repose. A knowledge of the Science of being develops the latent abilities and possibilities of man. It extends the atmosphere of thought, giving mortals access to broader and higher realms. It raises the thinker into his native air of insight and perspicacity. (Click here to read this in the book online)
I’ve applied these ideas extensively in my own life and others’, and would be delighted to work with you…
(561) 626-9043
CLICK to email me
…and check out these practical financial wellness ideas in the Bible and Eddy’s writings:
Luke 12:29-32
Science & Health p. 5:16-18
II Cor 9:8-11
Science & Health p. 264:13-18
Absolutely enjoyed this! Keep up the good work. Grateful.
As always – this blog hits on what I needed to hear right now. You make these big concepts very clear and accessible – and practical. Thanks for the boost!
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