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Spirituality is About Growth, not Recession

The r-word, recession, is HOT. The news, the presidential primaries, even chats with friends get wrapped up in it. The recession buzz can feel like a big load…especially if you need a job, have an escalating mortgage payment, or have built up credit card debt!

Recession is a collective mindset about reduced demand. We may forgo buying services or things we really need, or delay hiring a new employee, or approach possible job or financial opportunities with reduced confidence and clarity, because we feel this collective mental drag of reduced demand, reduced expectation, reduced opportunity.

Since our individual experience of employment, income and financial balance has so much to do with our consciousness, we each have the power to improve our financial condition right in the midst of recession. So here’s a spiritual practice you can start today: accept in your mind that Spirit, God, is the source of all demand. Embrace the feeling of God joyfully demanding of Herself, every moment, to express Her infinite being–fully, beautifully, productively.

This divine demand for the Infinite’s own self-expression is never in recession. It’s a divine energy that’s always unfolding, right in your (and everyone else’s) consciousness. So take frequent moments during the day to practice feeling Spirit’s powerful unfoldment of specific opportunities to serve, to connect, to produce…right in your own heart and experience.

Here’s one way that Mary Baker Eddy describes this ever-present unfoldment of good/productive/intelligent energy and ideas in your life. It’s in her book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures…

Undisturbed amid the jarring testimony of the material senses, Science, still enthroned, is unfolding to mortals the immutable, harmonious, divine Principle, — is unfolding Life and the universe, ever present and eternal. (click here to read this passage in context in her book)

Call or email me if you’d like specific help in spiritually addressing financial issues… and get a free introductory Christian Science treatment!

….and click here or just scroll down to the next blog to see how an actor (my son Chris!) applied practical spirituality to deal with a recession-experience last week.

(561) 626-9043

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2 thoughts on “Spirituality is About Growth, not Recession”

  1. Miles, thanks for the blog–so much of recession is about recession expectation, and certainly the media help it along by screaming about it whenever there is a reduction in GDP growth. As a macroeconomics instructor, I try to convey this to my students. That its important to be confident, hopeful, and remember the US has the biggest economy in the world. Well, that’s not as spiritual as your blog, but its very similar in a secular sense.

    I like very much your assertion that recession is about a mindset of reduction in demand and that God is source of all demand. We think so much about how WE demand of God, while its true that God supplies all demands and demands all supplies!

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